Home/ Recipes Norwegian Salted leg of lamb, med glazed vegetables, braised potatoes and rosemary sauce

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Salted leg of lamb

1          pc        leg of lamb

1          kg        seasalt

1          pc        onion,peeled,cut inn

1          l           water

3          tbls      sunfloweroil

1          roll      string


3          branch rosemary

2          tbls      fennel seeds

1          tsp       black pepper

1          tbls      onion powder

1          pc        orangepeel

1          clove   garlic

Crush together in a mortar or blend with a spice blender.


2          tbls      DRM Balsamic vinegar

1          tsp       Worchestersauce

1          tsp       soysauce

1          tsp       tomato paste

Mix all the ingredients together, brush on leg ,the last hour.

Preheat the oven 130C.

Cut out bones. Tie the lamb leg with a string. Sprinkle the seasalt over and under the leg. After 1,5 hour,wash of all the salt. Work the rub on to the meat,place on  a oven tray,add the onions and pour in the water. Put it  in the oven. Bake for 3 hours until the meat is 60-62 C in the centre. For the last hour glace the meat every 15 minutes. When you take it out of the oven, let it rest for 10 minutes before cutting the meat.

Braised potatoes

4          pc        bakepotatoes

3        stems  Thyme

┬¢        whole garlic,cut I two

100     g          butter

1/2      dl         chickenstock


Cut the potatoes to a desired shape. Place them in a pan and add the rest. Let it simmer until the potatoes has taken all the chicken stock and start to fry in the fat. When nicely brown and tender. Sprinkle some flake salt on.

Glazed vegetables

2          pc        parsnip,cut in boat shapes

8          pc        baby carrot,peeled,large pieces

4          pc        Brussels sprouts,cut in two

1          pc        romanesco,smallbouquets


precook water with salt. Cook one and one until tender. Before serving mix them all together with  herbs.

Portwine & cep gravy

100     g          Cep,dried

1          dl         portwine

1          tbls      butter

1          pc        shallots,slices

1          stem    thyme

trimmings of lamb

1          tbls      flour

4          dl         beef stock

lambstock from the leg.

Soak the